Why Panasea?
Jimmy The Green Giant (creator of Panasea).. The name presented itself 8 years ago when I jumped into the plant based life and was drinking green juices and eating raw greens instead of the meat, sugar, and other toxic things. I was also introduced to superfoods as well. Feeling the effects of these things i am always intrigued to know what other greatness this earth has created for us. Enter Sea Moss and Shilajit! I have been using sea moss for about 7 years and Shilajit for 4. I believe I have had and will have some of my best years because of these incredible products. I have great energy, my digestive system is amazing, my skin feels great, and my seasonal allergies are non existent. The power of nature and the power of our human bodies are incredible. Find the recipe that works best for you!
As the brand grew I did not want to push the "Green Giant" name too far into the mass market and have a potential issue with the Jolly guy. One night in late 2022 I was meditating on what one word could describe a beautiful health brand. The word "Panacea" came to mind and when I researched the definition of the word, I knew instantly that this would be the name I wanted to move forward with. Panacea means "A remedy or solution for all problems or diseases", I decided to switch this "c" to an "s" as a respect to the sea / sea moss that i started my business with. Being as we also have Shilajit, an amazing product from the himalayan mountains, I made our tag line "Bringing you the best ingredients from the land and sea".
Thank You and Welcome to Panasea, The Remedy.
Much respect and love, Jimmy the Green Giant